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Position: Spiritual Guide
Ancient One: "I seek the answers that will allow us to see more clearly into our own spiritually."
Welcome to page 1 of Ancient One's Bio & Investigative Reports.

Before your "Spiritual Gathering" with the Ancient One, Please welcome him in-to your home by down-loading:

Ancient Winds that blow through the soul.
It take a few minutes but it will help you to follow him down the dangerously narrow path into the SPIRITUAL UNIVERSE.
Page 2: Ancient One's Hobbies and Goals Alantis Page 3: Ancient One's Dream State Interview With Count Le Balc´h & Rodnoc

Page 4: Ancient One's & The Queens Court documents Page 5: Ancient One's Out Of The Body Experience

Page 6: Suggestions On How Strengthen The Spirit fireplace Page 7: Interview with the President of the Society of the Mentally Insane

"I ask for nothing except for the CUBBIES TO WIN THE PENNANT!". Picture taken by James McClarty
Ancient One is the only Alantian Elder left living on this planet. He lives in a multi-colored tree house located in Africa. The only way to travel there is by riding a pink elephant into the moonlight. This journey can take a second or it might take two days depends on the tide and cosmic surf on your astrological plane.
My journey took several hours. Mostly because I jumped onto the last elephant to come by. I was in too much awe watching the the first pinks elephants go by. Holding onto one another's' tail they paraded directly passed me. The elephant procession then stretched up into the cool evening breeze disappearing into the light of fullmoon.
The exact spot of Ancient One's residence is only known only by him and his herd of pink elephants. Keeping it location a secrete is the reason why there are no photographs accompanying this biography.
The only way to enter Ancient One's tree dwelling is by using his hand made snake-skin trampoline. You must jump high and it does take practice. I made it on the first try! Ancient One said that I cheated because my bowling ball gave me more weight.
Ancient Ones' elaborate tree house is a very comfortable dwelling. It has three levels and is made mostly out of bamboo. Exotic wild flowers decorate it's interior and complements the jungle atmosphere.
The top level of his house is where he has his sleeping quarters and coconut bowling alley. The second level is where Ancient One relaxes. He plays pool, enjoys his collection of pinball games and plays banana darts. In addition wrapping around the game room level is a large screened in porch. From the porch you can take in the view of the dense jungle or relax laying in hammock.
The lower level is equipped with a kitchen, two guest rooms and a badminton court. If you need to use the bathroom you must swing from a vine to the outhouse that is located in nearby tree.
Ancient One makes most of his income by wrestling crocodiles mostly in Australia. He has also is well known for his tight-rope walking abilities but he became internationally famous when he turned himself into a little green bug on live on television in front of millions of viewers.


Ancient One when he turns himself into a little green bug.

Ancient One may live far from civilization but he is an avid sports fan (he has a digital satellite). In 1997, he met Hellcat at a Chicago Cubs game! They started talking about the Internet and this site came up. Ancient One then told Hellcat that he had been to the "Le Fleur Sauvage" Web-site and that he loves he saw! He also informed Hellcat that he is a Green Bay Packers fan! So, Hellcat introduced Ancient One to another Le Fleur Sauvage avid Packer Backer, Jim Morrison (who was also at the Cub's game). Ancient One and Jim him have had there differences at first, mostly because Jim could not get a word in edgewise, (At Cub games Jim likes to control conversations using his Harry Carrie impersonation). However, since their first meeting Ancient One and Jim have been seen together attending several Packer and Cubs games.
I heard Jim say more than once, "I have only known Ancient One only for a short time. However it is easy to see that he is a caring soul. His unique inner vision and inquisitive nature makes him an excellent addition to the "LE FLEUR SAUVAGE" crew!.

Written by Sara Wells
The Wicked Woman

Ancient One is a our spiritual healer and he has offered his services to our members!

Follow the link below to find out information on purchasing your own "Indian Soul Blanket" Hand made by the Ancient One!
Tye-dyed Tee-Shirts

Click here to read Ancient One's article on Astral Projection.

Click here for a out-of-the-body experience that bummed me out.

Pic of Ancient One and a Gool

Click here to read about Ancient One's interview with the Invisible Man!

Ancient Ones's Favorite Search Engine:
The Spiritual, Metaphysical and Paranormal Directory for the Age of Enlightenment.

CLICK HERE To purchase a copy of Ancient One's "Bio & Investigative Reports" for $2.53 + shipping. Ancient OneOR Click here and print out your own order form!

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Le Fleur Sauvage Productions
Kenosha, WI
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