Message from the Editor: ANCIENT ONE Organizing this exhibition and solving the strange glitches by our hardworking staff is truly a labor of love. Thanks to the support from our sisters and brothers from all over the world, we are able to continue to provide this diversified Island of Artistic Impressions. We never expected the the international community to be so sincere and loving. This relationship has only just begun. However, we did expect to have a direct and monumental impact on procuring artistic talents. Visitors have taken their time to fill out the feedback form providing instant constructive criticism. This personal attention has resulted in virtually perfect relationships between the artist and their potential customers. The option to know the inspirations and other stories behind the artistic impressions can give a clear and more definitive appreciation to the art itself. With the various impressionists including our latest members World Stage Karaoke, Kenosha Underground and local live events we have flourished exceeding all of our projected goals. Originally conceived with the vision to supply a forum for artistic talent has grown to include time saving links. You will be amazed by the informative and entertaining web-sites that are found here at ricksentieri.com. If you need advice or help with anything we consider it our responsibility to provide relief. With your patronage also comes the responsibility to provide what you want, keeping your needs top priority. We accept this responsibility and by direction of your feedback, that fuels our continuous interior renovations, we will make it happen. Sincerely, Sarah Jones Publishing Editor
Just like you and me, poems live and breathe:)
 Poetry Links LOVE POETRY
Hello, my name is Rick and I am a poet living in Kenosha. Growing up in a large family has helped me to understand how priceless moments are. Poems are mementoes of moments. Words of wonder, passion and strife can stitch shared moments. Poetry melds our minds with thought provoking descriptions, colors and wild blossoms. People do realize how poetry can help us to cope with life’s challenges. Through times of happiness, stress or depression, poetry reflects the inner-imagery. Developing self-expression and communication skills helps out everyone to become closer. We are in this together and poetry can help us through it all.
Have a great day!
Rick Sentieri’s e-mail address: kenoshapoet@yahoo.com
Participate COME TO A HOW Come and have a BLAST AT: Sentieri Karaoke "Where you are the star:) http://ricksentierikaraoke.com
Videos were recorded LIVE on location by: REX RIZZ Click here to find out more about WorldStageKaraoke. Rex Rizz records your live performance. Then go to his web site and download your song. Come to the show and see how a smile is contagious! Rex’s shows attract beautiful people. So come and joins us where anyone can be a STAR.
Published in the USA by: L o v e info P e a c e info H o p e Rick Sentieri’s Fantasy Magazine A unified fellowship supplying a forum for the arts. Please give us some FEEDBACK.
"Thank you for your donations and support.ame Rick Sentieri’s Fantasy Members and Staff Pamela Pietragalla Stewardess of passenger affairs
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1996-2012© Rick Sentieri All rights reserved. Disclaimer http://ricksentieri.com is a work of fiction. References to real people, events, establishments, organizations, and incidents @ http://ricksentieri.com are creations of the author's imagination, and their resemblance, if any, to actual events or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental. http://ricksentieri.com and associates accept no responsibility for any merchandise bought from online stores via these links. No part of of http://ricksentieri.com may be digitally stored, reproduced, altered, or disseminated in any form or by any means without written permission.
For Information write to: kenoshapoet@yahoo.com Rick Sentieri’s Fantasy Magazine Kenosha, Wisconsin USA Please read our disclaimer